bagi anda yang telah menggunakan smadav sebagai defender computer anda, segera upgrade ke enjin trbaru ini... moga bisa membantu...
Download SMADAV Here...
ni beberapa komen tentang SMADAV:
Deni Ardiansyah : "makasih ya Smadav banyak diakui antivirus lokal tapi kualitas internasional. Para teknisi komputer lebih banyak menyukai antivirus Smadav"
Cah Bagus : "klo ane tertarik ama smadav dari temen ane yg udah make duluan, awalnya sih ga percaya dan kukira sama sperti PCMAV dkk ehhh...ternyata setelah nyoba ada yg berbeda dengan smadav yg ternyata tidak seperti AV lokal lainnya ... kemampuannya merecovery file bekas virus + registry serta RTP nya yg ringan dan cepat, mengunci USB Flash disk itulah yg membuatku memakainya dan ku"kawin" kan ama antivirus impor"
obet : "Pertama kali cuma dengar2 aja .... trus pas nyolok UFD di warnet eeh .. kedetek ada virus. Ngga taunya hasil kerja Smadav. Awalnya pake antivirus luar ... tapi sekarang udah tinggal Smadav tok !!! Seneng Smadav soalnya saya awam banget sama masalah lnternet & komputer. Semua pake bahasa Indonesia dan ngga ribet. Sepertinya efektif dan ngga berat"
Gede Andy : "Saya mewakili teman2 UNUD mengucapakan banyak terima kasih kepada pahlawan antivirus lokal kita...semoga Smadav bisa go Internasional"
Gidtta Rwanda : "Gila. . Smadav canggih buanget iia. . scan virus ampe tuntas , tanpa delete file iank terinfeksi. . tadina q pake sii Payung , phy file qhuw mala ilang mua. . hhikshiks. . Phy skarang saatnya beralih ke smadav , Smadav Is THE BEST dah..."
harboot "Antivirus Indonesia paling ringan dan cepat, buktikan sendiri kehebatannya.. "
Matri Soni : "Mantap...smadav...aku cinta produk negeri sendiri...terus berkarya untuk memberikan yang terbaik bagi negeri...Bravo Smadav..."
Rabu, 16 September 2009
Kalo Ga Minat, Skip Aja...
Buat pembaca budiman, maap melenceng dikid, ada tugas writing dari mam CC, saia kalo pengen dapet nilai harus posting first draft di blog... I`m sorry for the inconvenience.
My First Mobile Phone To Be Broken
The first time i broke a mobile phone is a very humiliating experience, can you imagine that you broke your cellphone because you braking hard your motorcycle in front of your friends??? How humiliating is that??? The accident happened 3 years ago when i was in 2nd grade of senior high school. At that time my parents bought me a very rare mobile phone in Indonesia, and i was very proud of it, a brand new Siemens C65 Rescue Edition. To buy that German-Made mobile phone i must waiting for several months because the stock is very rare. And do you know??? Just two days after i got that, i broke that in front of my friends. It was Monday noon at 13.00, the bell rang and it`s time to come home. I wanted to come home as fast as possible, swiftly i took out my motorcycle from parking area and accelerated my motorcycle as fast as possible, instantly i became a racer. I speed up my motorcycle until 70 km/h and still pushed up my motorcyle but i didn`t dare enough to consult the speedometer. Reaching U turn i deaccelerated my motorcycle, suddenly there were some friends of mine crossed the road carelessly. Lucky me, i`m not panic, i tried to brake my motorcycle. I pushed hard my brake systems, but unfortunately it`s too hard and i almost lost my balance. Thanks to my God i could recovered myself and there was no accident happened. But something`s goes wrong, where`s my mobile phone? I tried to find it in my pocket but i couldn`t found it. I`m not surrender yet, then i searched it backward, gotcha i found it, but it`s already wrecked. I dropped it when i braked hard my motorcycle, i didn`t considered that i didn`t put it properly inside my pocket, so it could be slipped anytime. My friends laughed at me at that time, i`m so embarassed. My two-days old rare Siemens broken into pieces just only because of my stupidity. But i could learn from that accident, you must take care of everything you had, even in the most critical condition. I hope this accident never happen again, just enough once in my lifetime.
My First Mobile Phone To Be Broken
The first time i broke a mobile phone is a very humiliating experience, can you imagine that you broke your cellphone because you braking hard your motorcycle in front of your friends??? How humiliating is that??? The accident happened 3 years ago when i was in 2nd grade of senior high school. At that time my parents bought me a very rare mobile phone in Indonesia, and i was very proud of it, a brand new Siemens C65 Rescue Edition. To buy that German-Made mobile phone i must waiting for several months because the stock is very rare. And do you know??? Just two days after i got that, i broke that in front of my friends. It was Monday noon at 13.00, the bell rang and it`s time to come home. I wanted to come home as fast as possible, swiftly i took out my motorcycle from parking area and accelerated my motorcycle as fast as possible, instantly i became a racer. I speed up my motorcycle until 70 km/h and still pushed up my motorcyle but i didn`t dare enough to consult the speedometer. Reaching U turn i deaccelerated my motorcycle, suddenly there were some friends of mine crossed the road carelessly. Lucky me, i`m not panic, i tried to brake my motorcycle. I pushed hard my brake systems, but unfortunately it`s too hard and i almost lost my balance. Thanks to my God i could recovered myself and there was no accident happened. But something`s goes wrong, where`s my mobile phone? I tried to find it in my pocket but i couldn`t found it. I`m not surrender yet, then i searched it backward, gotcha i found it, but it`s already wrecked. I dropped it when i braked hard my motorcycle, i didn`t considered that i didn`t put it properly inside my pocket, so it could be slipped anytime. My friends laughed at me at that time, i`m so embarassed. My two-days old rare Siemens broken into pieces just only because of my stupidity. But i could learn from that accident, you must take care of everything you had, even in the most critical condition. I hope this accident never happen again, just enough once in my lifetime.
Selasa, 15 September 2009
Yang Katrok BACA INI!!!!
Sebagai manusia modern tentunya kita pernah mendengar istilah WIFI atau HOTSPOT, malahan bagi kita yang memiliki laptop ampir tiap ari nggunain fasilitas wifi internal yg uda tertanam di leptop anda. Tinggal turn on tombol wifi, konek ke provider, uda de… kita bakalan tersambung ke dunia maya…
Tapi anda (terutama yang cewe) kalo ditanyain kalimat di bawah ini pasti bakalan ga bisa jawabnya:
Don’t worry, supaya anda gak katrok2 amat, I will explain it for ya…
WIFI short for “Wireless Fidelity”, Wireless= tanpa kabel, Fidelity= kesetiaan, in conclusion= kesetiaan tanpa kabel… koq ga nyambung yah??? Udah daripada bingung kita bahas aja sejarahnya…
WIFI is a kind of “connection” that connected one computer to others, or to a server (usually internet server), which established a “wireless” connection that makes you freely moving everywhere while you are being connected to a server or other computers, with WIFI you can browsing on the internet (If you connected with an internet server), exchange data with other computer, playing games together (known as local area network gaming), or maybe international gaming (known as online gaming).
Dengan WIFI, anda terkoneksi ke dalam suatu jaringan (bisa jaringan internet atau jaringan local) dan bergerak sepuasnya tanpa kabel asalkan masi dalam jarak jangkauan radiasi sinyal WIFI.
IBM, a well-known computer manufacturer was the first inventor of this kind of connection. Their engineers managed to discover a substitution of outdated conventional “wired local area connection” which is limiting people movements, you couldn’t move freely with a wire attached to your computer.
They succeeded to introduce it, and on the other hand the worldwide consumers warmly welcomed it, just five year after its first introduction, WIFI became a standard of local connection, replaced “wired local area connection”.
It is very simple, just like our mobile phone that connected to a service provider. WIFI needs one server called “Wireless Network Router”, this server act as manager of all computer that connected to this device, this router broadcast a ultra high radio-wave signal to all direction from “ground zero”. This router could reaches for about 300 meters until 2 kilometers depend upon the condition (indoor or outdoor), settings and quality of the router itself. Every laptops, PDAs, or Computers which has already equipped with WIFI adapter within the range could send “a request” to the server for being connected to the wireless network. Once a “request” accepted, you can freely browsing to the internet (If the provider serves it), connected to other computers, chatting, etc.
Sebenarnya IBM membuat sistem ini untuk memudahkan perusahaan2 untuk membuat jaringan di kantornya masing masing tanpa kabel, tetapi pada perkembangannya, WIFI malah digunakan untuk menyediakan layanan internet gratis pada fasilitas2 umum di seluruh dunia, sungguh cita2 yang disalahgunakan (tapi cukup bermanfaat).
Sebenarnya belum ada studi yang menyatakan bahwa sinyal radio WIFI berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia, tapi sekali lagi saya menekankan bahwa WIFI tetaplah sinyal radio seperti sinyal radio handphone, spektrum gelombangnya mampu untuk merubah susunan protein di dalam tubuh maupun otak menjadi mengeras bahkan rusak (silahkan baca posting terdahulu saya tentang MASAK TELUR PAKE HANDPHONE???). Gunakanlah teknologi dengan benar dan bijak agar tidak menjadi bumerang bagi kita sendiri...
Tapi anda (terutama yang cewe) kalo ditanyain kalimat di bawah ini pasti bakalan ga bisa jawabnya:
Don’t worry, supaya anda gak katrok2 amat, I will explain it for ya…
WIFI short for “Wireless Fidelity”, Wireless= tanpa kabel, Fidelity= kesetiaan, in conclusion= kesetiaan tanpa kabel… koq ga nyambung yah??? Udah daripada bingung kita bahas aja sejarahnya…
WIFI is a kind of “connection” that connected one computer to others, or to a server (usually internet server), which established a “wireless” connection that makes you freely moving everywhere while you are being connected to a server or other computers, with WIFI you can browsing on the internet (If you connected with an internet server), exchange data with other computer, playing games together (known as local area network gaming), or maybe international gaming (known as online gaming).
Dengan WIFI, anda terkoneksi ke dalam suatu jaringan (bisa jaringan internet atau jaringan local) dan bergerak sepuasnya tanpa kabel asalkan masi dalam jarak jangkauan radiasi sinyal WIFI.
IBM, a well-known computer manufacturer was the first inventor of this kind of connection. Their engineers managed to discover a substitution of outdated conventional “wired local area connection” which is limiting people movements, you couldn’t move freely with a wire attached to your computer.
They succeeded to introduce it, and on the other hand the worldwide consumers warmly welcomed it, just five year after its first introduction, WIFI became a standard of local connection, replaced “wired local area connection”.
It is very simple, just like our mobile phone that connected to a service provider. WIFI needs one server called “Wireless Network Router”, this server act as manager of all computer that connected to this device, this router broadcast a ultra high radio-wave signal to all direction from “ground zero”. This router could reaches for about 300 meters until 2 kilometers depend upon the condition (indoor or outdoor), settings and quality of the router itself. Every laptops, PDAs, or Computers which has already equipped with WIFI adapter within the range could send “a request” to the server for being connected to the wireless network. Once a “request” accepted, you can freely browsing to the internet (If the provider serves it), connected to other computers, chatting, etc.
Sebenarnya IBM membuat sistem ini untuk memudahkan perusahaan2 untuk membuat jaringan di kantornya masing masing tanpa kabel, tetapi pada perkembangannya, WIFI malah digunakan untuk menyediakan layanan internet gratis pada fasilitas2 umum di seluruh dunia, sungguh cita2 yang disalahgunakan (tapi cukup bermanfaat).
Sebenarnya belum ada studi yang menyatakan bahwa sinyal radio WIFI berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia, tapi sekali lagi saya menekankan bahwa WIFI tetaplah sinyal radio seperti sinyal radio handphone, spektrum gelombangnya mampu untuk merubah susunan protein di dalam tubuh maupun otak menjadi mengeras bahkan rusak (silahkan baca posting terdahulu saya tentang MASAK TELUR PAKE HANDPHONE???). Gunakanlah teknologi dengan benar dan bijak agar tidak menjadi bumerang bagi kita sendiri...
Jumat, 04 September 2009
Dengarkan Curhatku
Hellow Everybody!!! Long time No See You!!!
uda ga berasa 2 bulan ga apdet2 blog, selama liburan bener2 nyaman ampe lupa ng"online",
juga ditambah amanah dari student day ama Welcome Romadon di BEM Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, jadi
semakin sibuk dan ga sempet lagi ngeblog.
berhubung tugas Writing II suruh buat blog n suruh ngisi2 buat dinilai ma dosen tercinta, ya
akhirnya saya "terpaksa" apdet blog lagi dey!!!
woke2, mungkin da 3 bulanan kagak posting ttg komputer, padahal blog ini sebenernya saya
dedikasikan untuk dunia perkomputeran indonesia, tapi makin lama kog makin ngglambyar yah?
mulai dari ilmu pengetahuan umum, diet ampe motor masuk blog ini...
wah daripada blog ini lama2 "tersesat", mending gua benerin ke jalan yg bener dah...
buat USSy, Meong, Si bakul garam, Dinda, DKK yg punya laptop tapi kagak pernah dirawat ni
saatnya maintenance bulanan....
let`s start with scanning ur whole computer with a qualified Free Antivirus.
maybe u re not consider that 75% media that causing computers getting infected by virus is
Flashdisk has a system called Autorun.inf that automatically tune in to ur windows system.
this action makes ur windows snychronized and adapted ur removable disk into ur computer...
when ur windows could recognized and synchronized ur flashdisk, taraaa ur flashdisk
automatically being apart with windows system. every changes or disturbs that caused by
flashdisk could destroyed ur whole system, moreover ur registry systems.
and, the problem is... Autorun.inf could be infected by viruses, trojans, worms, etc...
these kind of high - tech viruses could remove your "real" autorun.inf, and being replaced
by a "fake" autorun.inf that automatically without orders infecting ur computer systems in
minutes or maybe seconds, after you plugged an "infected" Flashdisk...
once your computer being attached with an "infected" Flashdisk, ur system would infected and
destroyed in seconds(makin serem aja virus jaman inni)...
only one way to prevent ur computer by these "infected" flashdisks, by "locking" ur
Autorun.inf to prevent being infected and corrupted by viruses... but.... nowadays, there
are no common ANTIVIRUSES that has already intregated with a feature named "Removable Disks
Locker". even a famous antivirus Norton Antivirus hadn`t had this kind of tool.
so, how could i prevented my computer from viruses attack by "infected flashdisk"???
no worry!!!now i will give ya a local antivirus named SMADAV, this antivirus is not popular
yet, but i can predict SMADAV could overwhelm PCMAV in several months... SMADAV has already
equipped with a feature named "SMADLOCK", this feature locks ur flashdisk from being
infected by any viruses, coz viruses couldn`t downloaded itself to flashdisk if the
Autorun.inf is locked...
until now SMADAV could recognized for about 2899 viruses that has already spreadout in
Indonesia, and every weeks the virus signature will be updated, so dont worry about the
performance, i can say that SMADAV is the best "indonesian made" Antivirus in the world..
and again,,, SMADAV is free... you can download it any time u like, share it to ur friends,
and many more as long as not use it for "profit-oriented" activities...
SO... bagi anda2 yg sebel komputernya sering kena pirus dan gak tau sebabnya, ya pasti karna
kebanyakan dicolok flashdisk yg bervirus... so SMADAV sekarang berusaha utk memutus "rantai"
virus di indonesia melalui SMADLOCK...
So guys... cintai produk dalam negeri... tunjukkan nasionalisme kalian!!! gratis lageee!!!
pantengin terus blog saya untuk apdet SMADAV tiap minggu...
indahnya hidup berbagi...
uda ga berasa 2 bulan ga apdet2 blog, selama liburan bener2 nyaman ampe lupa ng"online",
juga ditambah amanah dari student day ama Welcome Romadon di BEM Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, jadi
semakin sibuk dan ga sempet lagi ngeblog.
berhubung tugas Writing II suruh buat blog n suruh ngisi2 buat dinilai ma dosen tercinta, ya
akhirnya saya "terpaksa" apdet blog lagi dey!!!
woke2, mungkin da 3 bulanan kagak posting ttg komputer, padahal blog ini sebenernya saya
dedikasikan untuk dunia perkomputeran indonesia, tapi makin lama kog makin ngglambyar yah?
mulai dari ilmu pengetahuan umum, diet ampe motor masuk blog ini...
wah daripada blog ini lama2 "tersesat", mending gua benerin ke jalan yg bener dah...
buat USSy, Meong, Si bakul garam, Dinda, DKK yg punya laptop tapi kagak pernah dirawat ni
saatnya maintenance bulanan....
let`s start with scanning ur whole computer with a qualified Free Antivirus.
maybe u re not consider that 75% media that causing computers getting infected by virus is
Flashdisk has a system called Autorun.inf that automatically tune in to ur windows system.
this action makes ur windows snychronized and adapted ur removable disk into ur computer...
when ur windows could recognized and synchronized ur flashdisk, taraaa ur flashdisk
automatically being apart with windows system. every changes or disturbs that caused by
flashdisk could destroyed ur whole system, moreover ur registry systems.
and, the problem is... Autorun.inf could be infected by viruses, trojans, worms, etc...
these kind of high - tech viruses could remove your "real" autorun.inf, and being replaced
by a "fake" autorun.inf that automatically without orders infecting ur computer systems in
minutes or maybe seconds, after you plugged an "infected" Flashdisk...
once your computer being attached with an "infected" Flashdisk, ur system would infected and
destroyed in seconds(makin serem aja virus jaman inni)...
only one way to prevent ur computer by these "infected" flashdisks, by "locking" ur
Autorun.inf to prevent being infected and corrupted by viruses... but.... nowadays, there
are no common ANTIVIRUSES that has already intregated with a feature named "Removable Disks
Locker". even a famous antivirus Norton Antivirus hadn`t had this kind of tool.
so, how could i prevented my computer from viruses attack by "infected flashdisk"???
no worry!!!now i will give ya a local antivirus named SMADAV, this antivirus is not popular
yet, but i can predict SMADAV could overwhelm PCMAV in several months... SMADAV has already
equipped with a feature named "SMADLOCK", this feature locks ur flashdisk from being
infected by any viruses, coz viruses couldn`t downloaded itself to flashdisk if the
Autorun.inf is locked...
until now SMADAV could recognized for about 2899 viruses that has already spreadout in
Indonesia, and every weeks the virus signature will be updated, so dont worry about the
performance, i can say that SMADAV is the best "indonesian made" Antivirus in the world..
and again,,, SMADAV is free... you can download it any time u like, share it to ur friends,
and many more as long as not use it for "profit-oriented" activities...
SO... bagi anda2 yg sebel komputernya sering kena pirus dan gak tau sebabnya, ya pasti karna
kebanyakan dicolok flashdisk yg bervirus... so SMADAV sekarang berusaha utk memutus "rantai"
virus di indonesia melalui SMADLOCK...
So guys... cintai produk dalam negeri... tunjukkan nasionalisme kalian!!! gratis lageee!!!
pantengin terus blog saya untuk apdet SMADAV tiap minggu...
indahnya hidup berbagi...
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